Clients Testimonials
Hodge Construction Management & Consulting, LLC. (HCMC) -Sam Hodge-
I’ve had the pleasure to work for and with Sam on a number of projects, and in different capacities. As a consultant, Sam was always well versed in all aspects of the project and kept the design team focused and on track. While managing the San Francisco Fire Department plan review division, I could always count on Sam to see that the different disciplines involved would follow through with the comment and recommendations made by the Fire Department.
I am honored to be asked to provide a recommendation for Sam Hodge. In the several years that I have known Sam, I have worked closely with him and found him to be a very knowledgeable and astute individual who always weighs all sides of an issue and renders fair and just decisions. Sam would be an asset to any organization that he is associated with and it is for this reason that I recommend him.
Middlebrook + Louie were the project structural engineer for 45 Lansing Street, a 40 - story high - rise residential project in San Francisco. Sam is our client representative. His in depth understanding of the design/permit process and his patience with the design team greatly motiv ated the design team to perform to the best of their abilities. He is a demanding client, yet his gentle demeanor has us feeling appreciated. It has been a rewarding experience working for a client like Sam. He is a true professional.
Sam was a pleasure to work for. He was a great mentor and I learned a lot from him. He taught me how to navigate the complex regulatory waters of San Francisco and allowed me to be involved in all facets of predevelopment. My only regret is that I wasn't able work with him longer. You'd be l ucky to have Sam on your team.